
The J Document (2): Parts of the Pentateuch using YAHWEH. Named the J document due to the German spelling Jahveh. About 950 BC.

Jahveh (2): German spelling of YAHWEH.

James I (95) : (1566-1625) Successor to Elizabeth. Authorized the King James Version of the Bible. Alienated the Presbyterians and Puritans. Subject of the Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes).

Council of Jamnia (1): Council of Yeshivas in 135 AD that determined the 24 canonical books. Yeshivas were (and are) rabbinical academies. They rejected the Apocrypha as canonical because it was widely believed that prophecy had ended with Ezra, thus any later books could not be inspired.

Jamnia (112): It is believed by many that the Jewish canon was essentially established at a rabbinic council at Jamnia in 90 AD. Probably the crystallization of opinion that had been developing for many decades.

Joachim Jeremias (58): A form critic. Liturgy of St. John of Chrysostom (79) : Widely used in Byzantine churches, it was the liturgy written for Hagia Sophia. "Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim, and who sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside all earthly cares."

William Johnston (125): Contemporary theologian who sought to bring together Roman Catholic mysticism and Zen enlightenment. Focused on the importance of disciplining both body and mind for the meditation process.

Jonah (35): A prophet who both runs from God, and then castigates God for not destroying Ninevah, after they repent. Sounds a strong note of universalism - even Gentiles are loved by God.

Josephus (41): ( 37 A.D.-100 A.D.) One time Roman sympathizer, later a Jewish nationalist, wrote histories of the Jews.

Julian (79) : Cousin of Constantine. Succeeded Constantine's sons as emperor and restored the worship of the ancient gods.

Julian of Norwich (86) : (1342-1416) English mystic and hermit. Experienced a series of visions detailed in "The Revelations of Divine Love." Noted for her phrase "All will be well; and every kind of thing will be well."

Justification by Grace (89) : We are not required to live righteously to be justified (acquitted), and we can't anyway. We cannot remit sins by works. We only must believe the Gospel - God will then justify us by grace and forgive our sins through mercy. Simul iustus et peccator, justified and a sinner at one and the same time. "Justification by faith asserts that human beings derive their weight and value not from individual choice, achievement, or confidence drawn from inward strength. Our worth or ultimate value is not increased by the intrinsic qualities of our character or the awards won by those qualities. Rather, justification by faith asserts that our value is a given thing from outside ourselves. God assigns our worth." (Paul Zahl, In The Kingdom of Dread, Sewanee Theological Review, 35-3)

Justify (64): (dikaioo) treat as righteous, acquit (even though guilty).

Justinian (79) : Emperor 518-565. Restored much of the old Roman order (regained territory, re-codified the law, reorganized the government) and sponsored the fifth ecumenical council to resolve the problem of Monophysites.