
Waldesians (87) : Followers of Peter Waldo of Lyons, a merchant who gave up all his possessions in 1173 and began preaching poverty and humanitarian works. Repressed around 1200.

Johannes Weiss (58): Author of "Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God." Taught that the Kingdom of God was central to Jesus' teaching, and that the kingdom was eschatological.

Charles Wesley (100): (1707-1788) Younger brother of John, helped his brother found the Methodism movement. He composed many of the Methodist hymns, e.g., "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today".

John Wesley (100): (1703-1791) One of the founders of Methodism. He was the organizer, theologian, and preacher who defined Methodism and got it started. His works "Standard Sermons", "Notes on the New Testament", and "Twenty-Five Articles of Religion" are accepted as defining the theology of Methodists.

Westminster Confession (112): (1643) Drawn up by the Presbyterian Assembly of Divines. Contended that the Apocrypha lacked divine inspiration and were therefore of no authority. Also affirmed that the Canonical scripture had "infallible truth and divine authority". Eleazar Wheelock's Indian School (101): A school founded for the purpose of training clergy for frontier work, later became Dartmouth College.

George Whitefield (100): Old friend of John Wesley who asked him to preach for him at Bristol - helped to push Wesley into preaching, especially in the open air.

Alfred North Whitehead (120): (1861-1947) Philosopher who developed process philosophy.

Elie Wiesel (118): (1928-199?) Prominent holocaust writer. As a boy he was deported to Auschwitz, and then to Buchenwald where his parents and a younger sister were killed. His first book , a memoir of this experience, is "Night." In 1986 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was a professor at Boston University, and chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Bishop Samuel Wilberforce (113): (1805-1873) Son of the great social reformer. Debated Julian Huxley in 1860 on the topic of evolution (Darwinism).

Will (29): The power to choose one's own actions.

Will of God (29): The power of God to cause events to happen.

Roger Williams (101): (1603-1683) Congregationalist preacher who was banished from Massachusetts, and founded Rhode Island. Channing Moore

Williams (103): One of the first Protestant missionaries to Japan, in 1859. Later, as bishop of Japan, he founded St.Paul's school which grew into Rikkyo University, in Tokyo.

Thomas Wolsey (93) : Lord Chancellor and papal legate under Henry VIII. Failed to get Henry's marriage to Catherine annulled, for which he was arrested. He dies before his trial (1530).

Diet of Worms (90) : 1521 meeting meant to condemn Luther. He was condemned as a heretic. Luther's response, "Hie stehe ich. Ich kan nicht anders. Gott helf mir. Amen." On this I take my stand. I can do no other. God help me.

Wilhelm Wrede (58): Questioned the historical accuracy of Mark. Messianic secret was read back into his life after his death.

John Wyclif (87) : (1330-1384) A thinker who inspired heresy on a national scale. Wrote that the Pope could err, and that God grants use of property on condition of faithful service. Wrote that secular powers could remove holdings from an ecclesiastic where there had been abuse. Closely followed Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Inspired the Lollards. Had the first serious translation of the Bible into English done.