
Ideas/Forms (40): Primary, perfect, transcendent, completely real realities of which we only experience the shadow (Platonism).

Letters of Ignatius (80) : Written 112 AD, as Ignatius traveled to Rome from Antioch, under arrest, to be martyred in the colliseum. Insisted on Christ's humanity.

The Illative Sense (110): The ability to make conclusions based on inference, as opposed to hard facts and proof. That sense which allows faith to work.

Imitation of Christ (87) : (early 1600's) Book by Thomas a`Kempis which emphasizes a private, personal, pious Christianity characterized by prayer, self-denial, and renunciation.

Immaculate Conception (99) : (December 8, 1854) "the Virgin Mary was, in the first instant of her conception, preserved untouched by any taint of original guilt, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God." Proclaimed on his own authority by Pope Pius IX.

Immanence (3): Nearness of God to creation.

The Sign of Immanuel (30): Isaiah 7:14-17 A young woman will give birth to a son, his name will be immanu-el (God is with us). Appears in Handel's Messiah.

Inclusive Language Lectionary (122): The attempt to remove or reduce the language bias of the traditional lectionary, hymns, and bible translations. The best efforts strive to retain the poetry of the original as well as some of the more familiar lines.

Indigenization (128): This is the process whereby Christianity becomes rooted into the local culture, instead of being imposed from outside. It loses it's purely western cultural attachments, and gains new ones from the local culture, but without compromising the core kerygma and faith. This is the opposite to syncretism.

Indulgences (90) : The remission of temporal punishment due to sin. Available for sale.

Infallibility of the Pontiff (99) : First Vatican Council (1869-1870), on July 18, 1870, declared that "the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, through the divine assistance promised him in blessed Peter, is endowed with that infallibility, with which the Divine Redeemer has willed that his Church - in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals - should be equipped; and therefore, that such definitions of the Roman Pontiff of themselves - and not by virtue of the consent of the Church - are irreformable.

The Institutes (91) : Synthesis of Calvin's thought, published in 1536. Dominates the doctrine in Reformed churches.

The Interchurch World Movement (103): Proposal for global evangelism and social ministry proposed in 1918. The program began successfully in 1920, but quickly lost steam and died out due to popular skepticism and disinterest.

The International Consultation of English Texts (123): (ICET) Organization formed in the 1930's to develop agreements between Catholic and Protestant churches on the texts of key documents. Agreement was reached on the Gloria in Excelsis, the Nicene Creed, and the Lord's Prayer, among others.

Irenaeus (80) : (about 180 AD) Strongly opposed the Gnostics and based his theology on the Bible. First Christian thinker to develop the doctrine of salvation from Creation. "By reason of his immeasurable love, (Jesus Christ) became what we are, in order to make us what he himself is."